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A Toast to out-going Partimus Community Manager Mark Terranova

Beginning June 1, 2012, the role of Community Manager for Partimus is going to be taken on by Christian Einfeldt, who will be wearing two hats, that of Executive Director and Community Manager.  Our departing Community Manager, Mark Terranova, is active in numerous other free software community activities, such as his work with the Fedora Community, and his famous San Francisco Bay Area Geeknics, which you can find at  Mark has more energy than the Energizer Bunny, but even Mark has limits to his time, and so is scaling down his activities so as to increase the quality of each of the numerous projects that he is working on.

Mark will continue to help Partimus in its quest to find for large lots of high quality functional notebook computers for placement in Partimus recipient schools, but, at his request, will be doing so as a member of the community at large, without a formal Partimus title.  The Partimus Board is grateful to Mark for the love, energy, and laughter that he brought to our efforts, and we are glad that we will still be seeing him at community events,  such as the recent Ubuntu Developers Summit in Oakland.  Thanks again for all you have done for us, Mark!

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