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Tag Archives: Pizza party

Installfest / pizza party at Creative Arts Charter School 2013.4.28 is going to be hosting a pizza party and triagefest / installfest tomorrow (April 28, 2013) at the Creative Arts Charter School at 1601 Turk Street at Pierce St in San Francisco from 1 pm to about 3:30 pm.   The Creative Arts Charter School is a public charter school.  Any child in the State […]

Networking and Pizza

The school year is starting at the Creative Arts Charter School, a public charter school in SF, and so we (Partimus volunteers) will be working there tomorrow, Saturday, August 18, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 pm, at 1601 Turk Street at Pierce Street to take the first steps toward assessing the network with an eye […]

30 hours of work in just a few days

During the past 8 days, Partimus volunteers have put in 30 hours of work spread over 4 days.  On Saturday 2012.7.28 and Sunday 2012.7.29, we moved about 1,000 lbs of equipment a total of 2.5 vertical miles going up and down stairs, due to the fact that 1) we lost equipment storage space at one […]

Spring cleaning in the Creative Arts Linux lab

We did some great stuff today. The volunteers installed RAM in 29 GNU-Linux computers. They tested each of the computers to make sure that they are working. We end-of-lifed a lot of them, and pulled them out of the lab and put them into storage. From there, they will be responsibly recycled by our […]