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Tag Archives: Jim Stockford

Putting good donations to good use

As we previously blogged about, J. David Eisenberg has donated 15 good computers (with monitors, mice and keyboards) to Partimus, and since the time of that March 27 blog, we have been replacing old machines with David’s newer machines.  It has been slow, steady progress.  On April 17, David came back to the Ascend school, […]

Mystery Man and the Professor ride to the rescue!

Yesterday was what you would call a good day.  I met Jim Stockford in the morning at 8:00 am in San Francisco, and he drove us from San Francisco down to San Jose to meet David Eisenberg, a local college professor, to pick up some computers that David had in storage.  Fifteen computers, to be […]

Smokin’ hot at Ascend and Prescott

Partimus volunteers, lead by James Howard, have done a considerable amount of work at two public charter schools in Oakland, California, for the 2012 – 2013 school year.  This blog post is the first of several that we will put up about this work.  Since most of the work has been done by James Howard, […]

Lots of computers donated today!

Today was a very huge day for Partimus the two of the schools that we serve, the ASCEND school in Oakland, and the Prescott school in Oakland, which you can also read about here.  These schools are both part of the Oakland public school district, but these schools stand out in their reputation for academic […]

14 notebooks up and running Ubuntu GNU-Linux!

Today was a really great day (Saturday 2012.8.18).  Two volunteers by the name of Maestro and James Ouyang (@jyouyang) came to the Creative Arts Charter School today to help get the school ready for the start of the new school year on Monday, 2012.8.20.  Together, we were able to manually install 14 of 19 notebook […]

Advance peek at the Intuit notebook donation!

Partimus has received a donation of 19 notebook computers and two desktop computers with flat screen monitors for placement in underprivileged public schools!  Yay!  Thanks to Intel for donating these computers; thanks to Steve Camuti of Intuit for carrying the ball inside Intuit to make this happen; and thanks to Tom Stevenson of Arrow-Intechra for […]

20 new pre-owned notebook computers coming!

Partimus is pleased to announce that it will receive a generous grant of hardware from Intuit in June, including the following items: 20 Laptops 2 Desktopss 2 LCD Monitors These machines will be used by one of the public schools that Partimus supports, called the Creative Arts Charter School. That school will use these machines to show […]